Paras Chadha

California’s Video Game Law Explained


The comic above does a great job explaining the California video game law in a funny way so I thought it was worth a post.

On a sidenote, stuff like the California video game law really don’t make sense. People always have the need to blame something for the need for violence in people, and of course they choose video games. In their eyes, video games are simulators which are training us to do acts of violence in real life.

People who are making these claims fail to see that it’s not the video games that are causing this irrational behavior, it’s just that there are some crazy people out there. Think about how many people play video games, then think about the percentage of those who go on violence sprees, the number is quite small. The fact of the matter is, the people who have that need to create violence are going to create violence regardless of whether video games are in existence or not. People who have those needs (based on some sort of bad past or disorder) video games just create a spacer and when those people finally figure out that video games aren’t enough, the ones who are going to resort to violence… are going to resort to violence. What I believe is a little worse than video games which they just turn a blind eye to are certain books and movies which do a better job of recreating these events, since either you actually see this stuff acted out on people in movies rather than some cartoon character in a video game, and in a book they describe everything in full detail.

Anyway I’m done with my rant of the day, if you enjoyed it make sure you add to the discussion by answering the question below (maybe we can get a full discussion going on) and sharing this with your gaming buddies!

Q4U: Do you guys believe video games have a strong relationship to the act of violence in the world?

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