Paras Chadha

Custom Laptop Cooler (How To)

If you have an overheating problem then this is definitely the video for you! If you’re a geek, you’ll like this video a lot, it’ll teach you how to build your own laptop cooler. Not to anyone’s surprise laptop coolers are not all that difficult to make. Just watching the video myself I know I’ve built much more difficult things in the past, but then again I’m the ultimate geek stereotype.

If you’re a lazy geek or just someone who doesn’t want to waste time building one of these yourself, you can buy one from Amazon, they work incredibly well, I use one for my Macbook Pro and my new HP (this is the one I use).

Q4Y: Do you use a laptop cooler? If so, tell us which one you use!

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  • youre so cool…you have made it on your own… now I’ll try making one(If I can xd) when my laptop cooler will break down.

  • What a video it is.Specially I have got the ideas form this video regarding overheating problem of laptop.This post is very informative and helpful.Thanks for posting this blog.